Cyfle gwych i hwyrddyfodwyr i’r iaith mynychu’r ganolfan i fagu hyder a dysgu’r iaith Gymraeg / A fantastic opportunity for pupils who are new to the Welsh language to attend the centre to gain confidence and learn the Welsh language
Gwobr Arian Siarter Iaith
Braf yw hysbysu bod yr ysgol wedi llwyddo ennill y Wobr Arian yr wythnos yma ar gyfer y Siarter Iaith, llongyfarchiadau enfawr i holl ddisgyblion yr ysgol am eu hymdrechion gyda’r iaith Gymraeg o fewn y dosbarth ac ar y buarth / It gives us great pleasure to announce that the school has managed to achieve the Silver Award in the Siarter Iaith this week, a massive congratulations to all pupils for their continued effort with the Welsh language within the class and on the playground.
Dechrau Tymor Newydd / New Term Begins
Braf croesawu disgyblion nol i’r ysgol ar gyfer tymor yr haf heddiw / Lovely to welcome the pupils back to school this morning for the new term.