Gwobr Arian Siarter Iaith
Braf yw hysbysu bod yr ysgol wedi llwyddo ennill y Wobr Arian yr wythnos yma ar gyfer y Siarter Iaith, llongyfarchiadau enfawr i holl ddisgyblion yr ysgol am eu hymdrechion gyda’r iaith Gymraeg o fewn y dosbarth ac ar y buarth / It gives us great pleasure to announce that the school has managed to achieve the Silver Award in the Siarter Iaith this week, a massive congratulations to all pupils for their continued effort with the Welsh language within the class and on the playground.
Dechrau Tymor Newydd / New Term Begins
Braf croesawu disgyblion nol i’r ysgol ar gyfer tymor yr haf heddiw / Lovely to welcome the pupils back to school this morning for the new term.
Cwis Dim Clem!
Llongyfarchiadau i Evan, Teagan, Kimberly a Holly am gystadlu yn frwd yng nghwis Dim Clem yn erbyn ysgolion Siroedd eraill yng Nghaerfyrddin.
Congratulations to Evan, Teagan, Kimberly a Holly for competing in the Dim Clem quiz against schools from other counties in Carmarthen.
Lansio gwefan newydd yr ysgol! | Launching the new school website!
Diolch am ymweld ag ein gwefan newydd! Fe fydd yn datblygu dros y misoedd nesaf.
Thank you for visiting our new website! It will develop over the coming months.