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Cynllun Gwella Ysgol / School Development Plan

Blaenoriaethau’r ysgol ar gyfer 2024 – 2025 yw / The school’s priorities for 2024 – 2025 are:

Targed / Target 1:

Creu dysgwyr uchelgeisiol ac hyderus drwy wella sgiliau ysgrifennu

/ Develop ambitious and capable learners by improving writing skills 

Targed / Target 2:

Creu dysgwyr uchelgeisiol a hyderus drwy ddatblygu Medrau Rhifedd disgyblion

/ Develop ambitious and capable learners through developing their Numeracy skills  

Targed / Target 3:

Datblygu dealltwriaeth gytun o Gynnydd yn y Cwricwlwm i Gymru ar draws yr ysgol -gan gynnwys asesu ac AAGD effeithiol /

Develop a shared understanding of Progression in the Curriculum for Wales across the school including assessment and effective AfL

Targed / Target 4:

I wella presenoldeb disgyblion / To improve pupil attendance